How Custody Or Parenting Time Is Determined In California
The general policy in California is shared custody, both legal and physical. Perhaps a child lives more with one parent or the other, but still the child has frequent and continuing contact with both parents. Is that necessarily a fifty-fifty schedule? No often, people are thinking that they want a week-on, week-off schedule, but that is not always what is in the children’s best interests. Sometimes one of the parents say they want equal timeshare because they incorrectly think they will not pay child support that way. There are various factors to consider to determine if a shared custody schedule is in the children’s best interests, such as the history of child sharing, the distance that the parties live apart, if each parent can realistically take on significant timeshare because of work and other factors, whether a child is considered special needs, etc. It is not a technically a question of whether the parents are entitled to the children and how much, but really more of the children being entitled to each parent and how much.
For more information on Custody Law in California, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you seek by calling us at (858) 225-4840 today.
More Information
- How To Avoid Nightmares In Co-Parenting?
- Common Issues That Come Up In Custody Or Parenting Time Agreements

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